Christa Gebhardt


202340 x 40 x 10 cm
Black clay, glaze, modeledPhotographer: Bernd Perlbach

Christa Gebhardt


The ceramic works of Christa Gebhardt gather the alleged extremes of our existence into a visually voluptuous, symmetrical whole. She defines the manifestation of being using objects of deep-seated archaic appeal in a free, personal process of form-finding marked by a light-sculpting, baroque force. Lightness is paired with gravity, birth embodies death, centred peace ( centred tranquillity ) lies in wild, primeval shapes, and her earthen works are encircled by a mythical aura.

Augustin M. Noffke, 2019 October


1991Member of the Association of German Artists, BBK
1983Foundation member of " Gruppe 83 "
1977First exhibition of ceramic work
1968-70Residence in West-Pakistan, Freelance Graphic-Artist
1955-60Education at University of Art and Design, Kiel Department of Graphic-Art


1993Award for Ceramic Sculpture of Associazione Fiumara d 'Arte, Santo Stefano di Camastra, Italy
1979Member of International Academy of Ceramics

collections: selection

Berlin, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Kunstgewerbemuseum

Bruxelles, Musées Royaux d´Art et d´Histoire

Hamburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe

Icheon, Südkorea, World Ceramic Exposition Foundation

Leipzig, Grassi Museum