Christa Gebhardt

Works by the members of Group 83

German Ceramists Group 83

In 1983/84 the members of the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC) of the Federal Republic of Germany came together with the following idea:
1.Presenting ceramic art as an independent form of art in Germany
2.Promoting German ceramic artists internationally in exhibitions and publications
3.Promoting new talents
This general objective, which did not focus on representing a common artistic position, distinguishes Group 83 from other artist associations. If one asks for the secret of the group`s 39-year-long cohesion, it surely lies in the renunciation of a common artistic programme. Each member had the freedom to develop his or her art individually and to represent the group`s goals beyond any artistic programme.
The love and life for ceramics is the cement that unites a number of individualists into a group. A group that has the sovereignty to present guests with new positions at exhibitions and in a catalogue, and to attract outstanding young colleagues to participate in the group.
With all the freedom of development and the change of form from a registered association to a free association, until 2013 membership of the IAC was the necessary criterion for membership of Group 83.
In 2013, there was a majority decision of the group to part with this close link to the IAC, as some of the young colleagues approached wanted to be involved in the group but showed no interest in joining the IAC.
Group 83 is a friendship-based network that foregoes the mandatory ties to the larger organisation of the IAC for rejuvenation and further development. The diversity of artistic positions reinforces a " we feeling " and is a force that will probably carry this group of artists into a joint fifth decade.